Title of qualification awarded
Masters in European Studies; Bachelor of Arts – Classics, Greek/Roman Archaeology
Name and type of organisation providing education and training
Universite Panttheon-Assas Paris 2, Paris, France + University of Zagreb, Croatia; McGill University, Montreal, Canada
Work experience
Department for European Funds, Regional & International Cooperation, Executive Office of the Mayor, Department of Entrepreneurship, Tourism & the Sea, Head of International Relations, Senior Advisor EU Projects, Office of the Mayor, City of Dubrovnik, Croatia
Occupation or position(s) held
Senior Advisor (current) & Acting Head of Office: June-September 2015
Main activities and responsibilities
- Lead Project Manager for IPA Adriatic CBC Programme: Adria.MOVE IT! & EX.PO AUS. Manager of EU projects, applications and implementation. PHARE program – LB and Project Manager, BARCA, INFIORE, NAP.
- Liaison with international organizations and networks: Committee of Regions, Council of Europe, MedCities, OWHC, EWT, FAIC, Heritage Europe, etc.
- Established the Croatian Association of Historic Towns for the City of Dubrovnik, function – Secretary General.
- Active Executive of Bureau: Heritage Europe, Europe House Dubrovnik (former Secretary General), Alliance Francaise Dubrovnik.
All sessions by Biserka Simatović, M.ES.
EX.PO AUS – The Extension of Potentiality of Adriatic Unesco Sites
11 Apr 2018
14:40 - 15:00