Dr.Malcolm Borg

Advisor, UN Global Compact Cities Regional Liaison, Australia
Malcolm Borg

Dr.Malcolm Borg

Advisor, UN Global Compact Cities Regional Liaison, Australia


Dr Malcolm Borg is an urban planner by profession and is currently engaged in project management and funding. He specialised in urbanisation and planning at the University of Leeds. He was awarded a scholarship in heritage management, with research undertaken at La Sapienza, Rome and has undertaken Planning related courses at Planning Institute Australia (PIA) and RMIT University Melbourne. He is a tutor and lecturer specialising in heritage management, economics of heritage, planning and regeneration. Malcolm has worked in the planning sector for a the past 22 years.

He was responsible for the management of major regeneration, restoration and rehabilitation projects and the implementation of EU Directives and International Charters. In the past 4 years he has developed tools for the implementation of the UNESCO Recommendation for the Historic Urban Landscape. He is currently the Regional Liaison for the cities and regions of Malta for the UN Global Compact – Cities Programme. He also holds a Global Advisor role.

All sessions by Dr.Malcolm Borg